Life has a way of telling you to slow down in small ways, as in, stop and smell the flowers. Then sometimes life, or whatever you believe in, decides to throw a big event in every now an again to stop you in your tracks and think. Take stock of your daily grind. Are you doing what you want? Do you spend enough time with those you love and who love you? Have you been running through your life in order to get to the next event?
A friend passed away after a car accident a couple days ago, she was 25, bright, beautiful & genuine. She was my big sister in the sorority I am a part of. It is over 4 years since I've seen her last but we had talked on Facebook from time to time in order to catch up. I regret not doing that more.
I cried when I found out, which isn't surprising, as I'm an emotional person. What was surprising was how much I have thought about my whole life in the following days. I'm happy, but I still have so much I want to accomplish...
It's scary to think our lives can end so quickly. It is weighing on my mind, the way I process things is very slow. It takes me time to "get over" things, accept, move past, let go of, you know?
I have a lot of happy things happening in my life soon. I need to remember to be grateful of them and truly experience them to the fullest. Use this dark life event to appreciate my sunny ones.
Much love,