Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Summer Love + Weddings!

It's Spring people! Get excited! I am so excited for Summer. Short shorts, pretty dresses, and no need for heavy coat wearing. Diving, rock climbing, camping, and weddings! Not mine, that's next year. I have 2 friends, 1 Stepbrother, and Mr. M's Cousin all getting married from July to October. I'm excited to get ideas and such from them.

As much romance as there is in my life I have recently just become fully aware of how lucky I am to have my Mr. M. I have 3 coworkers that have left or been left by their partners, 2 married and one long-term. My Fiancee may sometimes be a prick, annoying, say the wrong thing, and make mistakes. All that said, I can be a bitch, be naggy, picky, and ultra jealous. If you love someone it doesn't matter about all the bad...You are still going to love them through it. If you can't, then it's not meant to be. I need to start being more thankful of the wonderful man in my life that takes care of me better than I even know how to take care of myself. It'll be 4 years for us on the 15th so I'll post more about us then... Anyway, enough of this "reflection time". Just been on my mind recently.

I think I am going to start training to run a 5k at the end of May. My friend M.'s post on on her friend Will Power. inspired me. I don't know Mr. Will Power (see what I did there? I copied M. That's the most sincere form of flaterry M., don't be offended.) very well but I'd like to get to know him. I tend to start craft projects, cleaning, excersise, hobbies, and various other important things and not finish them. TERRIBLE habit. It makes me angry with myself. Grrrrrr, Tmo, stick with something. So, lately I have been Pole Dancing an hour everyday and now I want to start running. I actually LOVE running, but I have a hard time starting the process of running. Like, putting sneakers on and walking out the door (sounds easy?), that's just something I have trouble with. It's so hard. Sarcasm poeple. Ok, I am ranting.

I had a wonderful weekend in case you'd like to know. I went to a birthday party Friday, had a lovely Sat. with my lover, bbq on Sat. night with army friends, then Sunday Mr. M went away till Friday diving. Sunday night I had a bbq and a lovely walk with 2 of my co-workers G and S.

Here's hoping for more beautiful weather this week, especially Friday for when Mr. M comes home.

Much love bloggers, I apologize for the long post. I need to blog more so you don't suffer as much, ha ha.

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