Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Good weekend. I had a really good weekend. On Saturday I had fire extinguisher training with my work and got to put out a fire! Which was ridiculously exciting! Then most of us went out to eat after, which was nice. Then I had a few hours to relax before having a wonderful 3 hour coffee date with my very good friend Mrs. Jackson whose husband comes back from overseas tomorrow!! Very excited for her!

On Sunday I went to Moncton and pole danced, yes, pole dancing. It. Was. A. Blast. A girl teaches it in her apartment. A friend and I drove to Moncton and met our other friend there since she had to travel a different way after visiting family. We are going to take 6 classes now, and the last class is two days before Nathan comes home for his HLTA (a break from Afghanistan for around 20 days). I’ll have that to look forward to every Sunday!

So these classes, that are actually really hard workouts, ha ha, have got me thinking of pole fashion. I'll come back to this, when I find what I'm looking for! ;)

On a sour note, I missed Mr. M’s call today. Love him.

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