Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Say yes to the...2 Dresses?

     Oops, I have become "one of those girls". The girls on TV that keep trying on dresses even after they have found one. I wasn't settled on mine. I loved it yes, but the picture of what I wanted to look like while coming down the aisle wasn't suited to that dress. On the down side, I have bought and paid for it. On the plus side, I will come out even when I sell it.
     It fit like a dream, barely any alterations need to be done and I can buy it right off the rack because it's discontinued. Hellooooo, sale dress.
I am now fully excited.
     My advice to other brides, listen to your heart and gut. I kept regretting not trying on a ball gown (there is a hint on what my new dress will look like) and felt like I rushed myself. Take your time. Don't jump right into buying if you can help it. You will know when you have found your dress, it's hard to describe the feeling.
I bought it, now to sell the old one. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You Fancy, Huh

I need a pretty little thing to put on my head after I take my veil off! I don't want a blank head, also, I love shiny things. Let's take a look shall we at some ideas I have...

I like this one, simple yet still has some bling! 

This one is kind of different, but I like the vintage vibe it sends out. 

Simple headband. 

Best of both worlds.
(Photos from -
Did you wear anything in your hair on your wedding day? 
Oh god, then there's the shoes, earrings, bracelet. I'm going to need some bling therapy. 

Much Love, 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Disney Bachelorette Excitement

Ariel Bachelorette Inspiration
Ariel Bachelorette Inspiration

I made this little board on Polyvore, which is a pretty neat little site. I wouldn't use it to buy from per say, but in order to get some ideas it's great! 

One of my bridesmaids (Ms. G) came up with the idea for a grownup disney princess bachelorette, and she wasn't sure if I'd like it! I LOVE IT! Classy, yet fun, and unique! 
I chose Ariel. Red hair, born a princess, and learning who she was supposed to be through some tough hardships and dealing with, well let's just call Ursula what she is - a bitch. Every girl can empathize with Ariel a little bit on that especially.

I am thankful for this little fun distraction as I am feel indecisive about my wedding dress. I am a very indecisive person and to try something on 4 times, buy it, not see it for 6 months and still love it - is scary. 
My mom, sister, and I went to the bridal shop where I bought my dress and tried on the sample size again. I came to the conclusion that after I put some bling on it and make it a sweetheart neckline, I still absolutely love it. My aunt's wise words comforted me. That dress is my First date and I can go one more dates with other good looking dresses, but I'll always compare them to that perfect first date.
Just had some anxiety because time seems to be speeding up! 6 months until the big day! Aug. 4th, 2012.
I'm getting very excited, and a little  ALOT massively  slightly stressed about the amount of things that need to get done. 
If you have any pointers on staying calm in the face of stress please tell me. 

Much Love,